
Zipr Shift's Founder and Inventor, Tesia Thomas, was featured on WKSU-NPR Exploradio, article written by Jeff St. Clair
Zipr Shift's advertisement in the news site
Zipr Shift's founder Tesia Thomas was featured in Inventor's Digest magazine
Zipr Shift's featured in the first ever Emerging Material Innovators Report

Zipr Shift's featured in an Ecotextile article
Zipr Shift's featured in a Just-Style article

Memberships & Sponsors

Solidworks for Entrepreneurs sponsored Zipr Shift
Zipr Shift was an organizational member of ASTM International in 2017
Zipr Shift is a startup of Plug and Play New Materials & Packaging Batch 3
Fisher Unitech sponsored Zipr Shift
The John Galt Program for Investigative Studies is helping Zipr Shift deal with Department of Defense corruption
Zipr Shift is a member of Founder of Color
Zipr Shift participated in the 2017 Arctic Innovation Competition
Zipr Shift is a startup of the first xTechSearch competition